Subject Re: [firebird-python] django-firebird: replace of kinterbasedb
Author Pavel Cisar
Dne 1.3.2012 18:35, Maximiliano Robaina napsal(a):
> Hi,
> I'm working on firebird support for django.
> I was reading on previous post what kinterbasdb is/will be considerate
> as deprecated.
> Then, the question is, what python-firebird module is the better choice
> to go. I seem as FDB will be the default, so I must to point in this
> direction or take pyfirebirdsql account?

The better choice now is to start with FDB. If you'd run into serious
trouble with it and the FDB development would be too slow for your
needs, then switch to KIntrebasDB for time being. FDB and KDB are very
close to each other by API and functionality and FDB will be eventually
direct replacement for KDB as much as possible. The plan is to merge FDB
and firebirdsql into single driver in future, and for practical reasons
it seems that FDB would be the shell (API + higher layers) with
firebridsql's wire-protocol as one from available connection options
(other would be FDB's ctypes interface to client library). The name of
this merged driver was not decided yet, it could be firebirdsql as it's
better name than fdb (which was chosen because firebirsql was already

best regards
Pavel Cisar