Subject Re: [firebird-python] Python
Author werner
On 09/14/2011 08:01 PM, Mario Lacunza wrote:

I dont use Firebird + Python since a lot of time for the problems with
the connector Kinterbasdb, I just can see in the FB page the very funny
status of that project:

I can found this one too:

and this new one:

So is possible start a project with db support based on Python
2.6/2.7/3.0 and Firebird latest versions??

If thats true wich connecter allow me work fine with business
application I want to do?

Business application?  Like what?

I use kinterbasdb and FB for years for a shareware application without any problems, for a couple of years now I use it "via" SQLAlchemy as its declarative/orm stuff is just great and gets me away from having to do SQL (at least in most cases).

Py 2.x use kinterbasdb
Py 3.x use the new pyfirebirdsql driver

Depends on what GUI tool you are going to use, if it is wxPython then you are looked into Py 2.x at least for some time to come, if you go pyside or pyqt I guess you could go with either (don't know if they have some built in FB support).
