Subject Re: [firebird-python] Installing kinterbasdb 3.3 for Firebird 1.5 and Python 2.6
Author Pavel Cisar
Ismael L. Donis GarcĂ­a napsal(a):
> Pavel isn't a version for python 3.1?

No, there aren't any pre-built binaries of KInterbasDB for Python 3.X.
We don't even tested whether KDB works under 3.x Python. As I explained
earlier, we don't use Python 3.0 internally and are not ready *yet* to
add this version to list of supported Python versions. I do plan to
support Python 3.0 with new pure Python driver (based on ctypes), but no
roadmap and deadlines for this version were set. Meanwhile, anybody is
free to test the waters with KDB on P3 and eventually provide binary

best regards
Pavel Cisar