Subject Re: [firebird-python] KInterbasDB 3.1.3 released
Author Yves Glodt
David Rushby wrote:
> What is KInterbasDB?
> --------------------
> KInterbasDB is a Python extension package that implements Python
> Database API 2.0-compliant support for the open source relational
> database Firebird and some versions of its proprietary cousin Borland
> Interbase. In addition to the minimal feature set of the standard
> Python DB API, KInterbasDB also exposes nearly the entire native
> client API of the database engine.
> KInterbasDB is free--covered by a permissive BSD-style license that
> both commercial and noncommercial users should find agreeable.
> What's new in release 3.1.3?
> ----------------------------
> KInterbasDB 3.1.3, a maintenance release of the stable 3.1 branch,
> fixes two bugs. This will probably be the last release in the 3.1
> series. A changelog is available here:

David this is very good news, thank you a lot for your work!

> Where can I learn more about and download KinterbasDB?
> ------------------------------------------------------