Subject Re: [firebird-php] Trouble getting php-interbase to work with PHP 5.4 on CentOS 7
Author Paul Vinkenoog
Hi Lester,

> OK ... SUSE correctly links to the client library when I install the
> php-interbase package. I wonder if CentOS is not getting to the right
> one. The script is just a quick way to try other servers ...
> I've several production server all with Firebird and PHP so there is no
> problem with the basic software. But finding silly bugs can be a problem
> :( One of the reasons for suggesting flamerobin ... it checks the client
> library. Another thought is pdo_firebird if it's not been loaded with
> the interbase extension. SUSE loads the pair even if I don't want PDO ;)

Same here... I installed the php-interbase package and got pdo-firebird for free ;-)

Anyway, I've set up a test using pdo_firebird as well, with the same results:

SQLSTATE[HY000] [335544721] Unable to complete network request to host "localhost"

And again, if I connect to localhost or a remote host (both of which I can reach w/o any problem with isql), it takes 2-3 seconds for the message to appear. If I leave out the hostname to try an embedded connection, I get the same error message (mentioning 'localhost'), but without any delay.

Interestingly, PDO connections to remote MySQL data sources also fail:

SQLSTATE[HY000] [2003] Can't connect to MySQL server on '' (13)

*except* if the hostname is either 'localhost' or omitted.

Here too, I can connect to those remote databases with the mysql client.

I've repeated the tests with firewalld stopped - same results.

So I'm starting to think that this is some apache bug or restriction. Will investigate further.
