Subject Re: [firebird-php] Trouble getting php-interbase to work with PHP 5.4 on CentOS 7
Author Paul Vinkenoog
Hi Lester,

>> Does anybody have a clue? And does anybody have a working PHP 5.4 + php-interbase setup on a Linux server? If so, what kind of system is it?

> Silly question ... is firebird actually running?

Yes, like I said in my previous post: I can make all the connections I want with isql, be it embedded, TCP/IP via localhost, or remote. I can also reach the database in question from remote machines. It's just that PHP's ibase_connect fails (no matter what the destination) with a "Failed to establish a connection" message.

> I'm running 5.4 on suse servers without a problem, but it does sound
> like the 'connection refused' because there is no 3050 port active?
> Flamerobin is useful and should be available as a package just to
> eliminate php setup.

What do you mean by 'just to eliminate php setup'? I need to run a PHP application, so I must have a PHP Firebird/Interbase driver. FlameRobin is indeed useful, but I can't use it for Firebird connectivity from a PHP script - or can I?

Paul Vinkenoog