Subject Re: [firebird-php] Readonly connection with AdoDB
Author Lester Caine
ck1625 wrote:
> I found some similar postings here, but not really an answer, how I can make a readonly connection with AdoDB.
> When I look at the code there, ibase_trans() is never called, but the connection id is used as transactionid instead.
> So how do I start a readonly connection?

Which version of ADOdb are you running?
I have a private build in the bitweaver codebase which has a I modified firebird
driver - using fbird_ aliases for driver file. Some builds do have the
ibase_trans() commented out, but my own version has it restored, and the
matching fbird_commit($this->_transactionID) restored.

Certainly I don't have a problem with the setting of ibasetrans for new
transactions, and most of the reason that it seems to be disabled is due to the
way BeginTrans()/CommitTrans() are used in other projects, although I have seen
the ocational problem myself ... on Firebird only sites.

Lester Caine - G8HFL
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