Subject RE: [firebird-php] Jumping in the wagon
Author Alan McDonald
> I couldn't resist commenting on the example. sorry if the
> critique seems harsh.

By all means

> > Here's a typical (short) example. It takes full advantage
> of the data
> > abstraction but I'm also not shy on performing direct data
> actions via
> > the base functions of php/ibase.
> using DA and the 'raw functions' intermittently inside a
> single project seems inconsequential to say the least.

Not sure what your observation here is

> > Alan
> >
> > <? include "secureredir.php" ?>
> > <html>
> > <head>
> you generally output HTML before running logic/doing
> queries/etc? that is yuck imho.

I see no problem with it. I use page buffering sometimes in the same why I
use try exception blocks, so I can catch exceptions and redirect or place
html in response.
"yuck" sounds like a personal thing anyway.. :-)

> > <?php
> > include "version.php";
> > include_once "ezfirebird/ez_sql.php";
> > include_once "ez_resultsmcs.php";
> > include "metatags.php";
> > ?>
> > <title>Account Browser</title>
> > <script language="JavaScript">
> this is more correct, also there should be html comments (or
> better yet an HTML comments CDATA declaration) to hide the JS
> from old/shite
> browsers:

In this instance it's a coporate environment - no such browsers exist. But
if you've looked at recent stats of browser use, there are not many "shite"
browsers around anymore anyway.

> <script type="text/javascript">
> /* <![CDATA[ */
> function bla() {}
> /* ]]> */
> </script>
> > <?php
> > // Submission Actions
> > ----------------------------------------------------------
> > if (($_POST['toggledns']=="ok")&&($_POST['accountid']!=null)) {
> > $toggleid = $db->get_var("SELECT O_UPDATE FROM
> > TGL_DNS(".$_POST['accountid'].",'T')");
> > $_GET['BRSR']=$_POST['BRSR'];
> > $_GET['f']=$_POST['f'];
> > $_GET['alpha']=$_POST['alpha'];
> > }
> > // Data extraction
> > ----------------------------------------------------------
> > ---
> > $db_table_name ="ACCOUNT";
> > $db_table_fields ="ID, ACCOUNT, DESCRIPTION, "; $db_table_fields
> > $db_table_fields .="(SELECT ADDRESS1 FROM ADDRESS WHERE
> ...
> > $db_table_where ="WHERE FK_SECCODE=".$_COOKIE['FK_SECCODE'];
> > $alphacode = "";
> all the above can be done in a single string which would make
> it more readable.

I think this is very much personal taste as to what's more readable. When
you start manipulating where and order by clauses according to input
variables, one string isn’t going to do it anyway.
Your example is one string but it's line broken to make it readable - what's
the real difference?

> > if ( $_GET['alpha']!=null ) {
> > $db_table_where .=" AND ACCOUNT LIKE '".$_GET['alpha']."%' ";
> > $db_table_order ="ORDER BY UPPER(ACCOUNT)";
> > $ezr->set_qs_val("alpha",$_GET['alpha']);
> > $alphacode = ". Accounts starting with ".$_GET['alpha'].", name
> > order."; }
> > // Visual Layout
> > ----------------------------------------------------------
> > ------
> > $tblwidth = 770;
> > $ezr->num_results_per_page = 12;
> > $ezr->query_firebird("$db_table_fields FROM $db_table_name
> $db_table_where
> > $db_table_order");
> > $ezr->register_function('tweak_address');
> > function tweak_address($C1, $C2, $C3, $C4, $C5, $C6, $C7,
> $C8, $C9, $C10,
> > $C11, $C12, $C13, $C14, $C15, $C16, $C17, $C18, $C19) {
> I would avoid using such 'descriptive' variable names - it's
> a maintainance nightmare imho.
> > $id = $C1;
> > if ($C4>1) {
> > $C2 = "<a href='brcontact.php?id=".$C1."'><b>".$C2."</b> - <font
> ...
> > .$C8."' target=new>".$C5."</a><br>";
> > // $C5 = $C5.'<br>';
> > }
> defining functions halfway down a script rather than at the
> top/bottom or preferably in a seperate file is maintainable?

Absolutely! Since these are functions used by the layout class, they use
column number identifiers from the query above so the layout of the query
makes it easy to count the field/column positions.
Remember, there are over a hundred pages in this project with the exact same
layout - you can jump directly to the same part in the page... It's so

> > if ( !empty($C6) ) { // Address Line 2
> > $C6 = $C6.'<br>';
> > }
> > if ($C4>1) {
> > $C4 = "<img src='images/users.gif' WIDTH='16' HEIGHT='16' BORDER=0
> > ALIGN='MIDDLE' ALT='Multiple Contacts'> ".$C4; } else {
> > $C4 = "<img src='images/user.gif' WIDTH='16' HEIGHT='16' BORDER=0
> > ALIGN='MIDDLE' ALT='1 Contact'> ".$C4;
> > }
> > $C13 = $C13+$C14;
> > $C12 = "<b>P:</b> ".$C12."<br><b>F:</b> ".$C17;
> > $C18 = ($C18=='T'?"<a href=javascript:toggledns(".$id.",true);><img
> > src='images/error.gif' WIDTH='16' HEIGHT='16' BORDER=0
> > ALT='DNS\r\nToggle:Do Not Solicit'></a>":"<a
> > href=javascript:toggledns(".$id.",false);><img src='images/tick.gif'
> ALT='Active\r\nToggle:Do Not
> > Solicit'></a>");
> > }
> > // $db->vardump($ezr);
> >
> ...
> > ?>
> > <p><font face="tahoma" size="1"><b>Notes:</b>
> > <br>Click Account Name to edit/add contacts for the account.
> > <br>Numbers in brackets are contacts for this account.
> > <br><a href="accountnew.php">Click here</a> to add new account.
> > </font></p></br>
> > </form>
> > </body>
> I guess XHTML is not your thing ;-)

Generally not and not in this project. Do I really need it? Will it do this
job 300 millseconds faster?

I could live with your code too. It's not much different in my opinion. You
may disagree.
<?php include "footer.php";?>
or even
<?php include "footer.htm";?>

Any real benefits? Are there milliseconds invoiced here?


> >
> > </html>
> <?php
> /**
> * list.php :: list all employees!
> *
> * @author Jochem Maas <jochem@...>
> * @copyright Copyright 2006, beeldspraak
> * @link
> */
> // ordering
> $oSessVar = array('employee', 'o');
> $dSessVar = array('employee', 'd');
> MSess::initVar($oSessVar, 'login');
> MSess::initVar($dSessVar, 'ASC');
> $oCur = MSess::getVar($oSessVar);
> $oNew = getG('o');
> $oChk = $oNew ? $oNew : $oCur;
> if ($oNew == $oCur) {
> $dCur = MSess::getVar($dSessVar);
> $oDir = ($dCur == 'ASC') ? 'DESC' : 'ASC';
> } else {
> $oDir = $oNew ? 'ASC' : MSess::getVar($dSessVar);
> }
> $oOpts= array('id' => 'id','name' => 'full name','active' =>
> 'active','login' => 'login');
> switch ($oChk) {
> case 'id':
> $orderby = 'id '.$oDir;
> break;
> case 'name':
> $orderby = 'fullname '.$oDir;
> break;
> case 'active':
> $orderby = 'active DESC, name '.$oDir;
> break;
> case 'login':
> default:
> $orderby = 'name '.$oDir;
> break;
> }
> MSess::setVar($oSessVar, $oChk);
> MSess::setVar($dSessVar, $oDir);
> // filtering?
> // do the query
> $qry = "SELECT,, e.fullname, e.empcode,,
>, e.level, e.is_admin,
> ( SELECT (
> SUM(h.monday) +
> SUM(h.tuesday) +
> SUM(h.wednesday) +
> SUM(h.thursday) +
> SUM(h.friday) +
> SUM(h.saturday) +
> SUM(h.sunday)
> ) FROM hours h WHERE
> ) AS hours_total
> FROM employees e
> ORDER BY $orderby";
> $res = $MDB->query($qry);
> $rows = $MDB->fetchrowset($res);
> // create funky hour percentage field
> $totalhours = 0;
> foreach ($rows as $row) $totalhours +=
> floatval($row['hours_total']);
> $hours_1pc = $totalhours / 100;
> foreach ($rows as $k => $row) $rows[$k]['hours_pc'] =
> $hours_1pc ? number_format(($row['hours_total'] / $hours_1pc), 2, '.',
> '').' %' : '0 %';
> // define column names for output
> $cols = array('id',
> 'login',
> 'full name',
> 'trigram',
> 'email address',
> 'active',
> 'auth level',
> 'intranet admin',
> 'hours total',
> 'hours %');
> // header
> $Page->showHeader("Employees List");
> echo '
> <p>
> <form method="get">
> Order by: ',selectTag($oOpts, $oChk, 'o', 0,
> 'this.form.submit();'),'
>   <input value="'.($oDir ==
> 'ASC'?'▼':'▲').'" type="submit"/>
> <form>
> <br /><br />
> </p>
> ';
> if (!$res) {
> echo "<p>query failure!</p>";
> } else if ($MDB->numrows($res) == 0) {
> echo "<p>no employees found! (adjust your filter if
> necessary.)</p>";
> } else {
> simpleTable($rows, $cols, true,
> array('field' => 'id', 'urltpl' =>
> '/employees/edit.php?'.POST_ID_URL.'=%s'),
> array('field' => 'id', 'urltpl' =>
> '/employees/delete.php?'.POST_ID_URL.'=%s'),
> array('active', 'is_admin'),
> false,
> array('level', 'hours_total', 'hours_pc'));
> }
> // footer
> $Page->showFooter();