Subject RE: [firebird-php] How Can I Upload Data From Excell File to Firebird Database ?
Author Alan McDonald
> Dear All,
> I have Excell Database with name : tkt20071004.xls and data
> like this :
> Ticketno Dateofsales ticketfare boarding segment
> 2100542654 041207 100000 CGKBTH 5K250M201207
> I would like to get the result on firebird database like this :
> ticketno Flightno Route DateofFlown Class ticketfare
> 2100542654 5K250 CGKBTH 201207 M 100000
> Anyone could help me please, Thanks.
> Best Regards,
> DK

I don't see much relevance to PHP I'm afarid.
You should go to the tools list for this.