Subject RE: [firebird-php] Need Help...With my Connection PHP 5 to Firebird Database
Author Alan McDonald
> Dear All,
> I Need help with my PHP 5 connection.
> <?php
> $strconnect = '';
> if (!($db=ibase_connect($strconnect, 'ADMIN', 'MASTERKAL',
> 'ISO8859_1', 0, 1)))
> die('Could not connect: ' . ibase_errmsg());
> $cursor = ibase_query($sql);
> $row_array = ibase_fetch_row($cursor);
> print_r($row_array);
> ibase_free_result($cursor);
> ibase_close($db);
> ?>
> The Respon is like this :
> Warning: ibase_connect() [function.ibase-connect]: Your user
> name and password are not defined. Ask your database
> administrator to set up an InterBase login. in
> C:\wamp\www\testsiteku\index.php on line 9 Could not connect:
> Your user name and password are not defined. Ask your
> database administrator to set up an InterBase login.
> I have already set my php.ini files. Anyone could help me
> what's wrong with my connection. thanks.

It says your username and password are incorrect, so are they?
Uppercase MASTERKAL???