Subject Re: [firebird-php] Re: Add Firebird to Dreamweaver?
Author Lester Caine
Myles Wakeham wrote:

>>On 14-Feb-2006 01:24:27, Lester wrote:
>>One would think so, but I could not be bothered to find out ;)
>>There are a number of development packages that only support MySQL, but
>>personally I've used Eclipse/PHPEclipse for some time now and can't be
>>bothered to play with anything else :)
> Thanks for the tip. I do a lot of pure HTML/design work for websites as
> well as server side scripting in PHP. Since I'm using Firebird for a lot of
> Delphi (and other) development work as well, it's a nice synergy for me to
> bring all of this together. But I'm not married to Dreamweaver (I am to
> Windows, however), so I'll take a look at any suggested WYSIWYG web
> design/development tool with integrated PHP support. Do you think Eclipse
> is going to give me the same design capabilities (ie. Templates, asset
> management, etc.) that I get out of Dreamweaver?

Eclipse is a Jave development environment, but Java is about the only
thing I don't use it for :)
There are a growing range of add-ons for Eclipse all of which share a
common base, and Eclipse runs just as well on Windows and Linux.
My main development base is still Windows, but I can drop unto the Linux
machines and have to change anything ;)

Lester Caine
L.S.Caine Electronic Services
Treasurer - Firebird Foundation Inc.