Subject Re: [firebird-php] Re: Installing FB1.5 on XAMPP (W2K, Apache 2, PHP5)
Author Lester Caine
ublix2005 wrote:

> folder /php/ are used - but I'm wrong - the
> "real" php.ini are located in the folder /apache/bin/
On a windows machine ?
The default should be c:\WINNT on a W2k machine

> Warning: ibase_connect() [function.ibase-connect]:
> Unable to complete network request to host "localhost".
> Failed to locate host machine. Undefined service
> gds_db/tcp. in X:\htdocs\test.php on line 5
> error in db connect
The Firebird install SHOULD have updated the services file, but if not,
gds_db 3050/tcp
may need adding. But I think the newer versions of Firebird do not
ACTUALLY need the entry. The next problem may be firewall, or a missing
'localhost' entry in hosts?
(services and hosts are normally in c:\WINNT\system32\drivers\etc on a
default W2k setup - at least MS do use \etc\ to store the network stuff,
it used to just be in with everything else)

Lester Caine
L.S.Caine Electronic Services