Subject Re: [firebird-php] Installing GD2 lib on FC3 and PHP 4.3
Author Todd Cary
Milan -

Many, many thanks for the detailed advice. It all makes sense. One
part I forget to detail is the fact that I need the gd (or gd2)
library. Is there a way to create a "so" for the libgd? The version of
php that is already loaded with FC2 is 4.3.11 and I did not pursue hard
enough getting a tarball of it from php. I now found it, so I can
follow your schema and make the custom version with Interbase, but I
need to find out how to incorporate the gd lib.


Milan Babuskov wrote:

>Todd Cary wrote:
>>What I understand to be a good approach in setting
>>up a system is to start with a good core e.g. RH 9 or FC3 (I started
>>with RH 4 some years ago, so I have stuck with them) and install my own
>>Apache and customized php.
>It is good approach, but it is no necessary. I installed on many
>Mandrake and Slackware systems. I just downloaded the PHP source for the
>same version as the one that is installed, and compiled
>extension (configure && make *without* make install). Then I took
> and copied to PHP extension dir (as seen in php.ini file),
>and enabled the support in php.ini.
>>In an effort to level the playing field, I downloaded Apache 2.0.54 and
>>used the following configuration:
>>./configure --prefix=/usr/local/apache2 --enable-module=so
>This is just Apache. You need PHP. In fact, if PHP is only a module for
>Apache (as it is in most cases), you don't need to compile Apache at all.
>>Ran the "make" and "make install". Now it has been configured, made and
>>installed. The question is where do I replace the current "httpd" with
>>a symbolic link to the new httpd (Apache2)?
>Doing "make install" installed your new apache in /usr/local/apache2.
>I'm not sure it would be smart idea to symlink the "old" installation.
>But if you insist, commands "which httpd" and "whereis httpd" should
>give you idea where the current executable is. Then move it to httpd.old
>or whatever and create symlink.
>AFAIK, the correct way would be to edit startup script to start your new
>Apache from /usr/local/apache2 instead of old one. I don't know about
>RH, but on Mandrake it is in /etc/init.d/httpd. Just edit and change the
>path to server executable. Or, even better, create a copy, named
>httpd-new or similar and make startup scripts (/etc/rc.d) run that. This
>way you would be able to run both new and old apache installations
>I wrote all this assuming that you wish to have both versions installed.
>If that is not the case, then you shouldn't have done
>--prefix=/usr/local/apache2 but used the prefix where apache is
>currently installed on your system.
>>Once that is done, I plan to rebuild php using apxs2.
>>Is this the correct approach?
>One of.

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