Subject RE: [firebird-php] Installing Firebird 1.5.1 with Apache and PHP
Author McKenna, Simon (RGH)
-=> You have to recompile your PHP with the "--with-ibase"
-=> parameter... there is information avaiable in
-=> (FAQs etc...)

I would like to know where...the best info I found
was a Spanish? guide (URL is in this lists archive)

-=> I have Firebird 1.5.1 and Apache running on Fedora 3
-=> however I need
-=> instructions on how to get php integrated with it.
-=> When I was running Firebird 1.0, I had an
-=> file that I included in the Apache startup.

The easiest way I found (under SuSE 9.1) was to get
Firebird, Apache and PHP (with source) installed and
operational first, then write a small script which
calls phpinfo(), copy the configure settings and add
the interbase compiler switch to the end of that list,
then do your make.

Todd, if you run into strive, send an email to me at and I'll formalise the notes
I've got scribbled down, I've been meaning to write
them up anyway. SuSE probably does things a little
different to Fedora, but it should be similar enough.

Incidentally, I've noticed a fairly good performance
increase moving from Windows to Linux (using the same
versions of Firebird, Apache, PHP and my own code).

peace - si