Subject Re: [firebird-php] BUG: ibase_blob_get
Author Daniela Mariaschi
> Firbird 1.5 Beta 3
> BUG-Description:
> I. store blob in db: 65535 kb -> binary jgp picture
> (field definition: GRUND_FOTO BLOB SUB_TYPE 0 SEGMENT SIZE 4096)
> (note: have tested different SEGMENT SIZE Values, no difference in the
> ..................................
> BUG: the blobsize information is correct, but not the resulting blobdata!
> $PIC should be the complete jpg-picture, as stored in the db, but it isn't
> !!!
> -> if stored as file it has now: 536 KB instead of 65 KB, and it has
> format,
> couldn't be opened with Paint Shop Pro p.e.

Hi Gerhard

There is already an open bug and there is a proposal patch for this ...
(but I have not tryed it yet ... I see it now :) )

> but: wrong format ... comes as error
> Questions:
> the interbase functions in PHP are very bad documentated ... why?
> i have to found some things with try and error methode
> - ibase_blob_info -- Return blob length and other useful info
> thats all in the php-handbook ...
> what is returnparameter [0]?
> what is returnparameter [1]?
> what is returnparameter [2] = blobsize, i know now ..

ibase_blob_info return an array with this element:
0 = "length"
1 = "numseg"
2 = "maxseg"
3 = "stream"
4 = "isnull"

it seems that originally the function returned an array like this:
"lenght" => x
"numseg" => x
"maxseg" => x
"stream" => x
"isnull" => x
must investigate why it was changed then ....

> a handfull of functions with very bad descriptons, this is not the
> way to make firebird/interbase to a really alternative to others,
> how we can change this?
> who has written the php_interbase.dll for PHP? where i can find
> the sourcecode for this dll?
> i don't want to develop with C but i can
> read this source..

There is a lot of work in docs to do ....
If you want to contribute with docs you can start to propose
your comment at php.doc newsgroup and then apply for cvs account.
If you like to read the source code here is the link:
