Subject Re: AW:[firebird-php] Database corruption
Author Helen Borrie
At 04:19 PM 3/12/2003 +0200, you wrote:
>On Wed, 2003-12-03 at 15:44, Wolfgang Naber wrote:
> > Tux:/usr/local/fbk/wawi.gdb (server name/full path);
> > The programmer asked me, why I put localhost in the connection string,
> > since in his opinion the absolut path should suffice.

If you are running Superserver, he is wrong. Superserver on Linux does not
support a direct local connect. But if the *server's host name* is
ServerPfad, you should be able to connect using this in place of localhost,
too. Localhost will not work for remote clients.

>I'm afraid that you are doing things the right way. There is a problem
>with firebird when connecting with different connection strings, it
>thinks you are accessing two seperate databases and uses two lock
>managers, which corrupts your database.

Barry, it is not true for Firebird. Only for InterBase.
