Subject Re: [Firebird-Java] Jaybird 3.0.0-beta-3 EncodingFactory$DefaultEncodingFactory error
Author Andrew Ushkov
Can't find log in NB but here steps to reproduse: Netbeans Windows-Services(Ctrl-5)
2. databases->drivers-(right click)->new driver. add files. I've tryed add only jaybird-full or jaybird-full+jna+connector+antldr. ->OK
3.right click on thes added driver and "connect using this driver". fill username,pass, url and "test connection" -> got such error.

2017-03-12 22:28 GMT+03:00 Mark Rotteveel mark@... [Firebird-Java] <>:

On 2017-03-12 08:54, Andrew Ushkov andrew.ushkov@...

[Firebird-Java] wrote:
> Hi all.
> I'm stated to test Jaybird 3B3 and see one error.
> When i'm connect to DB in application - all ok but when i'm trying to
> register driver in Netbeans 8.2 and connect thru NB i'm got errors.
> Tryed put encoding in URL and in properties - same error.
> coud'nt connect
> jdbc:firebirdsql:\ cc1.fdb?encoding=WIN1251 with
> org.firebirdsql.jdbc.FBDriver (Could not initialize class
> org.firebirdsql.encodings. EncodingFactory$ DefaultEncodingFactory)
> FB 3.0.1, Jaybird 3.0.0-beta-3, Netbeans 8.2, Win7x64.
> Can You suggest something?

Could you please post the full exception stacktrace. Also please
describe the exact steps to reproduce.
