Subject Re: [Firebird-Java] Are there plans for streaming backup support?
Author Ivan Arabadzhiev
Yep, got that - the .net implementation was actually quite easy to read :) I have pushed another rework of the restore flow which should finally fix normal restore for good.
The dummy is used as follows :
java -cp "jaybird-full-3.0.0-SNAPSHOT.jar:dummy1-0.1.0-SNAPSHOT-standalone.jar" dummy1.core <the available options>

There is a helpfile, but :
  -p, --port PORT             3050       Firebird port
 -u, --user USER             SYSDBA     Firebird user
 -k, --key PASSWORD          masterkey  Firebird password
 -f, --backupfile file-path  test.fbk   The .fbk file to use for backup/restore
 -d, --database db-path      test.fdb
 -h, --host HOST     Hostname/IP of the Firebird host
 -l, --log logfile-path                 File to use for the verbose output of a restore operation
 -v, --verbose                          Verbose output of a restore operation (has no effect on backup). Will use stdout by default
 -b, --backup                           We would like to backup a databasse
 -r, --restore                          A restore function would take place
 -o, --replace                          A restore with enabled overwrite
 -g, --gzip                             Whether to use the built-in GZIP I/O streams in the JVM

Obviously, one of -o/-r/-b needs to be specified, if your test setup happens to match the defaults - everything else can be skipped.

PS While testing the dummy I did notice that the way I'm currently expecting to hit EOF doesn't work with GZIPInputStream. I'm thinking I can wrap the input in a BufferedInputStream so the code can 'if(read() < 0) quit; else reset()' after each read but, Alf willing, I'll be asleep in 15 minutes so it won't be tonight :) In the mean time - the other stuff should be working and somewhat stable.

2016-02-17 21:42 GMT+02:00 Jiří Činčura jiri@... [Firebird-Java] <>:

> I can, and I have. In fact you are a big part of why I got to a working
> solution so fast :)


For backup there's just isc_info_svc_to_eof. That's fine-ish.
Restore sucks. You need to keep asking for next buffer from server or
you finish the file and then eventually wait isc_info_svc_line returning
zero lines.

Mgr. Jiří Činčura
Independent IT Specialist