Subject Re: [Firebird-Java] UTF-8 and tomcat
Author Mark Rotteveel
On 5-4-2014 00:03, Ray Holme wrote:
> I have used firebird for multiple tomcat web applications.
> We use the tomcat connection pool successfully for multiple
> applications.

What do you use to populate the connection pool (eg which Firebird
classes, config of the connection pool)?

> Recently we had to resurrect two applications and use UTF-8.
> We think all the right things were done:
> post requests use tomcat built-in filter
> application.xml file says UTF-8
> jsp files all marked for UTF-8
> The applications come up and we can do things with them, but the
> connections seem to start failing within a minute or so.
> I am not sure that we have not done something else wrong, but the only
> commonality between the two applications failing is UTF-8.
> Has anyone seen anything like this?

Could you provide some more detail:
* How do connections fail (exceptions, etc)?
* Which Jaybird version?
* Which Firebird version?
* What is the connection character set?
* What is the default database character set?

Mark Rotteveel