Subject AW: [Firebird-Java] FBWrappingDataSource - suspected Bug
Author Steffen Heil (Mailinglisten)

Thanks a lot!

We have completed our tests.
We are quite sure, the problem we had earlier is fixed.
At least, we could not reproduce it with the new driver at all so far.
(We could replicate the problem with 2.2.0 in 50% of the cases within 30 minutes.)

Is this snapshot expected to be at least as stable as 2.2.0?
Or in other words: Would you replace 2.2.0 with this snapshot in a production environment?

And is there an expected release date for 2.2.5?

Best regards,

-----Ursprüngliche Nachricht-----
Von: [] Im Auftrag von Mark Rotteveel
Gesendet: Sonntag, 30. März 2014 16:37
Betreff: Re: [Firebird-Java] FBWrappingDataSource - suspected Bug

On 22-2-2014 14:49, Steffen Heil (Mailinglisten) wrote:
> Hi
> Using FBWrappingDataSource we encountered problems (after years without problems).
> We suspect a bug in PooledConnectionQueue, but we are not sure.
> I just created a bug report.
> Any hints are welcome.

I just published a snapshot of 2.2.5 for testing. This bug is fixed in that snapshot (although I am still running some tests to see if I haven't missed a deadlock combination).

Download from sourceforge at:

And on Maven from the Sonatype Snapshot respository:

groupId: org.firebirdsql.jdbc
artifactId: jaybird-jdkxx (where xx is Java version: 15, 16, 17 or 18)
version: 2.2.5-SNAPSHOT

Mark Rotteveel


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