Subject Re: firebird conection pool and glassfish
Author p.bondar
> Don't use the class from org.firebirdsql.pool; they are known to be
> broken, especially when used in combination with an Application server
> connection pool.
> The full stacktrace would have helped to pin the problem down with
> org.firebirdsql.ds.FBConnectionPoolDataSource, but with some trying I
> can get that error if I don't specify the serverName property.
> At minimum you need to specify the following properties:
> serverName (with hostname or IP address)
> databaseName (with path or alias of the database)
> user (Firebird username)
> password (Firebird password)
> Instead of the properties serverName, portNumber and databaseName you
> can also use one property:
> database (with <server>[/<port>]:<path-or-alias>, where the
> portnumber is optional)
> I would advise not to use the "database" property as it is non-standard
> (JDBC defines the serverName, databaseName and portNumber properties),
> and we might remove it in the future.
> Mark
> --
> Mark Rotteveel

Used org.firebirdsql.ds.FBConnectionPoolDataSource following error:
javax.servlet.jsp.JspException: Unable to get connection, DataSource invalid: "java.sql.SQLException: Error in allocating a connection. Cause: Connection could not be allocated because: GDS Exception. 0. Connection string missing"

With these settings,glassfish-resources.xml:
<? Xml version = "1.0" encoding = "UTF-8"?><! DOCTYPE resources PUBLIC "- / / / / DTD GlassFish Application Server 3.1 Resource Definitions / / EN" ""><resources>  <jdbc-resource enabled="true" jndi-name="jdbc/myDatasource" object-type="user" pool-name="connectionPool">    <description/>  </ Jdbc-resource>  <Jdbc-connection-pool allow-non-component-callers = "false" associate-with-thread = "false" connection-creation-retry-attempts = "0" connection-creation-retry-interval-in-seconds = " 10 "connection-leak-reclaim =" false "connection-leak-timeout-in-seconds =" 0 "connection-validation-method =" auto-commit "datasource-classname =" org.firebirdsql.ds.FBConnectionPoolDataSource "fail- all-connections = "false" idle-timeout-in-seconds = "300" is-connection-validation-required = "false" is-isolation-level-guaranteed = "true" lazy-connection-association = "false" lazy -connection-enlistment = "false" match-connections = "false" max-connection-usage-count = "0" max-pool-size = "32" max-wait-time-in-millis = "60000" name = "connectionPool" non-transactional-connections = "false" pool-resize-quantity = "2" res-type = "javax.sql.ConnectionPoolDataSource" statement-timeout-in-seconds = "-1" steady-pool-size = "8" validate-atmost-once-period-in-seconds = "0" wrap-jdbc-objects = "false">    <property name="URL" value="jdbc:firebirdsql:localhost/3150:D:/java/base/DATABSEIFPWAFCAD.fdb"/>    <property name="User" value="SYSDBA"/>    <property name="Password" value="masterkey"/>  </ Jdbc-connection-pool></ Resources>

and web.xml:

<? Xml version = "1.0" encoding = "UTF-8"?><Web-app version = "2.5" xmlns = "" xmlns: xsi = "" xsi : schemaLocation = "">    <session-config>        <session-timeout>            30        </ Session-timeout>    </ Session-config>    <welcome-file-list>        <welcome-file> index.jsp </ welcome-file>    </ Welcome-file-list>    <resource-ref>        <res-ref-name> jdbc / myDatasource </ res-ref-name>        <res-type> javax.sql.ConnectionPoolDataSource </ res-type>        <res-auth> Container </ res-auth>        <res-sharing-scope> Shareable </ res-sharing-scope>    </ Resource-ref></ Web-app>

You need to attach the log server glassfish?