Subject Re: [Firebird-Java] Foodmart database
Author Thomas Steinmaurer
> I'm trying to test Pentaho on Firebird running on my Ubuntu workstation, following this blog:
> In the second part you create a set of permanent schemas, instead of ram based original Pentaho's sample.
> I've already created hibernate, quartz and steelwheels example schemas, they are the simplest part, but foodmart (the Mondrian sample db) is huge to reformat from MySql.
> I've almost done in DDL scripting, but to convert all INSERT from MySql dump format IMHO the only viable solutions are:
> - writing a PHP script to populate database.
> - asking an existent backup.
> Are there someone that has a populated firebird foodmart database in trasportable backup format?

I'm not sure if this still applies, but check out my old (nearly 4
years, wow time flies) blog post on Mondrian with Firebird, especially
step 3:

With regards,
Thomas Steinmaurer (^TS^)
Firebird Technology Evangelist

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