Subject Re: [Firebird-Java] Jaybird 2.1 JDBC driver Java Programmer's Manual missing Figure 2.7?
Author Mark Rotteveel
On 27-12-2012 13:17, alex.smersi wrote:
> Hi --
> I'm beginner with JayBird, and I'm reading PDF manual in subject URL [0].
> In Chapter 2, I'm wrong or Figure 2.7 is missing?

The text in figure 2.7 should have been:

import javax.naming.*;
import org.firebirdsql.pool.*;
FBWrappingDataSource ds = new FBWrappingDataSource();
InitialContext ctx = new InitialContext();
ctx.bind("jdbc/SomeDB", ds);

But as I said in my previous mail, it is uncommon to to bind DataSource
in JNDI this way.

Mark Rotteveel