Subject Re: [Firebird-Java] Connecting to Firebird
Author Roman Rokytskyy
> I have a web app running on Glassfish V3. I occasionally get "Unable to
> complete network request to host" or "connection rejected by remote interface,
> error code: HY000" errors. I'm sure it is load dependent. I'm using
> org.firebirdsql.pool.FBSimpleDataSource. Server is CentOS. I notice about 10
> or 12 fb_inet_server instances running when I get this error. Usually there are
> only 1 to 5 instances, and everything works fine. I connecting from the java
> app with jaybird 2.1.6. Firebird is 2.1.3.

That should be 10 fb_inet_server instances, not 12. And the most likely
cause is your xinetd configuration for Firebird where the number of
instances/connections is limited by 10. Check the instances and
per_source lines there, increase if needed and restart the xinetd daemon.
