Subject Re: [Firebird-Java] Unable to complete network request
Author K. Kumakura
> > Could anyone tell what is wrong with the following error:
> It cannot connect to the Firebird server running on the localhost. There are
> several possible issues:
> a) your Firebird server is not acepting network connections (for example it
> is not started);
> b) your Linux blocks socket connections (firewall);
> c) your Linux does not know what "localhost" is (sometimes you have to add a
> line into /etc/hosts);
> d) your java.policy does not allow JayBird to open socket connections.

We have multiple instances of JBoss running on one Linux box.
Some JBoss instance occasionally resulted in the error. However,
other instances of JBoss seem running without error. So, I don't
think any of the items above is a cause of the error.

We can recover from the error by shutting down and restarting
the JBoss instance in error(no need to shutdown/restart Firebird SS).
This might suggest that something in JBoss connection management
is wrong.

We will appreciate any help/suggestions.


K Kumakura