Subject Re: [Firebird-Java] Get generator field value
Author Adriano dos Santos Fernandes
Roman Rokytskyy wrote:
>>This won't work. You need to do this with a BEFORE INSERT trigger. See
> My fault. Sorry. Helen is right.
> CREATE TABLE table [EXTERNAL [FILE] ’filespec’]
> (<col_def> [, <col_def> | <tconstraint> …]);
> <col_def> = col {<datatype> | COMPUTED [BY] (<expr>) | domain}
> [DEFAULT {literal | NULL | USER}]
> [<col_constraint>]
> [COLLATE collation]
> What speaks against changing it to
> <col_def> = ...
> DEFAULT {literal | <expr> | NULL | USER}
> Is there any conceptual issue here?
