Subject Re: [Firebird-Java] Problems with GDS class.
Author Roman Rokytskyy
> But sorry,I'm a novice.And I don't know how to get Jaybird 2 in
> "HEAD"( as you mean).Where is it?

Get JayBird 2 from HEAD means that you need CVS client that can get sources
from the source code versioning system, then you have to get the latest
version of the source code from the main development branch.

Assuming that you have installed the CVS client (you can use WinCVS, for
example, or Tortoise CVS client), you have to use following parameters:

CVS_ROOT is :pserver:anonymous@...:/cvsroot/firebird

and the check out the module called "client-java" (without quotes). This
will pull the sources from the CVS. After that you will have a directory
called "client-java", and there will be a build.bat file. It should compile
driver, build archives and run all unit tests. If it completed without any
problem, the new version of the driver will be located in the
client-java\output directory.

For type 2 and embedded server drivers you will need to build also the JNI
library (in JayBird 2 it will be called jaybird2.dll). This requires
installed Microsoft Visual Studio (at least v6.0, SP 6) for Windows and gcc
3.2.x for Linux.

If you are interested only in the source code of the Services API support,
use the following URL:

(watch the line wrap). You have to click on the revision link (for that is 1.3), it will dump you the source code.
