Subject Re: [Firebird-Java] Select with constant value
Author Juan Pedro López Sáez
Thank you for your answer.

Now, I'm preparing this sort of query directly appending the constant
value to the sql string. So it looks like:

int const;

String str = "SELECT FIELD1, " + const + " AS CONST, FIELD2 ";
str += "FROM TABLE1 ";
str += "WHERE FIELD1 = ?";

pst = conn.prepareStatement(str);
pst.setInt(1, val);

Am I loosing the prepared statement's befenefits in this situation? The
const value will change in every new query.

The same question arises related to the "SELECT FIRST x SKIP y" clause.
In my application I use the same way, appending to the query string the
desired constant values, to make that kind of queries.

Thank you very much.

Juan Pedro

> > Now I want to use it from jaybird, by means of a prepared statement,
> > because the constant value will change in every new query.
> >
> > I tested it just replacing the constant value with the usual ? character
> > without success. It seem this parameter is not considered when preparing
> > the query so it fails because of some type mismatch in the subsequent
> > parameters.
> In fact you should get
> org.firebirdsql.jdbc.FBSQLException: GDS Exception. 335544569. Dynamic SQL
> Error
> SQL error code = -804
> Data type unknown
> This means that server does not know the type of the parameter to prepare
> it. This is the same issue as in SELECT * FROM myTable WHERE ? IS NULL OR
> myPk = ? that was discussed some time ago.
> > Isn't this kind of parametrized query currently supported?
> No, unfortunately this syntax is not supported. But if your query does not
> change itself, you can create a selectable procedure that will do the same
> thing.
> For example, if you had
> SELECT mainCol, ? AS selectParam FROM myTable WHERE someOtherCol = ?
> you should create following procedure
> CREATE PROCEDURE workaroundProc(
> firstParam INTEGER,
> secondParam VARCHAR
> mainCol TIMESTAMP,
> selectParam INTEGER
> FOR SELECT myCol, :firstParam FROM myTable
> WHERE someOtherCol = :secondParam
> INTO :mainCol, :selectParam
> DO
> Then you can use
> SELECT mainCol, selectParam FROM workaroundProc(?, ?)
> This will give you the same result with virtually no performance loss.
> Roman
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