Subject Re: JayBird Driver - Generating JAR File in JBuilder
Author Doychin Bondzhev
To build Jaybird with JBuilder is verry easy. JayBird driver has ant
script file so you can add ant task to your jayBird project and use
that way to build it.


--- In, "cristinavelascog"
<cristinavelascog@y...> wrote:
> Hi,
> First of all, I am working with JBuilder, and at the begginning I was
> using Interbase with InterClient driver...... Now I have JBuilder,
> Firebird and JayBird Driver...
> When I generate the JAR file in JBuilder I set Up my Archive option
> to "Include required classes and all resources"....
> However I have found a big difference with the size of the JAR file,
> with JayBird driver, the JAR file is too big.... with InterClient is
> wasn´t of.
> Is this OK?
> Regards,
> Cristina