Subject Re: jbird driver release for firebird 1.5
Author Roman Rokytskyy

> I need to inform our customers about upgrading to the 1.5 version of
> firebird. I know that the database is still in rc8 stage, but what
> about the jca-jdbc driver?
> Is it safe to announce that there will be a 1.5 pure-java driver ready
> as a final release when the database 1.5 is released?

Currently we're in beta, but so far there were no serious bug reports.
I'm going to release beta 2 this week, so we get more information then.

It is not clear when FB 1.5 will be released, so I cannot promise you
that releases will be synchronous. What is clear, is that JayBird
1.0.1 will work with FB 1.5, so any existing application will smoothly
work with FB 1.5. JayBird 1.5 is mainly JDBC specification
improvement. There's nothing FB 1.5 specific except of savepoint
support in JDK 1.4.

Best regards,
Roman Rokytskyy