Subject Re: to FireBird InterServer + InterClient from IB6.0
Author Roman Rokytskyy
> we have developed a system based on InterBase 6.0 and Java Server
> Page (JSP) using InterBase 6.0 + InterServer & InterClient ;
> Question:
> 1) How stable is FireBird + InterBase & InterClient compared to IB6.0?

Most likely there's no difference between InterServer working with
IB6.0 and FB1.0.

> 2) Does FireBird produce InterServer & InterClient software as well?
> or they are still Borland products

They are still Borland products, they are not supported by Firebird
project. We developed type 4 JDBC driver called JayBird, this is the
only "Firebird native" JDBC driver and is supported in this group.
