Subject Re: [Firebird-Java] Re: credits
Author Helen Borrie
At 10:40 AM 24/06/2003 +0200, you wrote:
> thanks for your help, but I realize I didn't explain the task quite well ...
>My application is "database independent" since I do not use database specific commands but use views rather that burning joins in the code. This helps me mantaining the code and, with little work, migrate to other database engines.Obviously I pay this in terms of database operations speed.
> I wanted to ship the Jaybird jar together with the installation pakage and the sql script to create the databse (from wich the user can build a script for its own database), since Firebird is the database server I used the most for the tests and is among the ones I declare I have been testing the application with.
>Because of the shipping, I wanted to add credits to the developers and contributors of the driver and, if I have to, licencing informations and source code of the driver.
>I am not shipping the Firebird engine,thou I was thinking about a setction of the user manual to help download and configure it for the application.

Well, just omit the stuff about Firebird.

You can't deploy sections of the InterBase user manual, because Borland holds the copyright and it forbids you to distribute it as part of your product. Why not just include the links to IBPhoenix's Quick Start Guide (for Firebird) and Rick's FAQ (for Jaybird)?

(beats head on desk)
