Subject Re: jdbc connectivity to firebird by servlet through tomcat 4.1
Author Sudarshan Wad <>
Thanks,That was nice ;i had already stored my .jar files in
C:\calsoft\Tomcat4.1\common\lib ,but it seemsthat it didn't helped.
As you said i also tried storing these jar files in
C:\calsoft\Tomcat4.1\webapps\sudantest\WEB-INF\lib and it worked.

It means that i will have to keep all .jar files in lib directory of
every web-app i make.There must be some other way ,i will try to find
it out,and if you come accross,dotell me.

for now i got through the connection to database that was very nice
of you replying very promptly.



--- In, "Roman Rokytskyy
<rrokytskyy@a...>" <rrokytskyy@a...> wrote:
> > C:\calsoft\Tomcat4.1\webapps\sudantest\WEB-INF\classes\lib
> > where sudantest\web-inf\classes is the directory where i put my
> > servlet .class files.
> You should put them in either:
> a) C:\calsoft\Tomcat4.1\webapps\sudantest\WEB-INF\lib
> (not classes\lib)
> b) C:\calsoft\Tomcat4.1\common\lib or C:\calsoft\Tomcat4.1\lib
> (whatever exists).
> Also print stack traces of exception in your servlet init() method.
> Roman