Subject Re: [Firebird-Java] Windows Firebird and
Author William L. Thomson Jr.

On Tue, 2003-02-11 at 23:39, Lester Caine wrote:
> Art Fore wrote:
> > I am using SuSE 8.0 at home and have 8.1 here at work.
> Nice to hear that as well <g>
> I just don't get enought spare time to get the Linux stuff
> really working.

For me it did not take long. I did have to install OO 1.0.2 over my RH
8.0 rpm installed 00 1.0.1. Not that the version had anything to do with
it, but RH disabled java their release.

From there once OO had java support it's pretty quick and straight
forward from there. A few clicks of the mouse, the jdbc driver class,
and driver url to database, and you are up and running.

In fast at that point there is little difference between Linux and

The main differences are:
Installing Jaybird
(Placing the jars in a folder or simply unzipping the driver)

Installing a JRE
(Either rpm or bin file pretty straight forward)

Installing OO

So once OO is up and running with Java support the rest is just
configuring OO. Which should take no more than say a minute.

William L. Thomson Jr.
Support Group
Obsidian-Studios Inc.
439 Amber Way
Petaluma, Ca. 94952
Phone 707.766.9509
Fax 707.766.8989