Subject Re: [Firebird-Java] Re: firebird jca jdbc driver on weblogic 6.x
Author David Jencks
OK, that explains a lot (including some very odd suggestions in the jca 1.5
spec). I'll see if I can come up with something.

david jencks

On 2002.09.06 02:12:12 -0400 Sachin Walia wrote:
> Hi,
> according to bea weblogic 7.0 docs weblogc needs object to be serialized
> not
> referencable..
> mentioned at the following url:
> <>
> it says
> BM_293579
> Q. Why do I get the following exception when viewing the JNDI tree?
> BM_293767isSerializable(class.javax.naming.Binding)
> at
> BM_293580A. The Weblogic Server JNDI implementation requires objects to
> be
> serializable, not referencable. A PrintWriter cannot be serialized and
> therefore should be declared transient.
> Hope it helps,
> sachin
> -----Original Message-----
> From: David Jencks [mailto:davidjencks@...]
> Sent: Friday, September 06, 2002 10:49 AM
> To:
> Subject: Re: [Firebird-Java] Re: firebird jca jdbc driver on weblogic 6.x
> Is there any way you can find out if either the datasource or the
> ManagedConnectionFactory is being serialized and deserialized before you
> use it? I think that is the most likely explanation of this, but some
> confirmation would be nice before I spend a lot of time working around
> this.
> Thanks
> david jencks
> On 2002.09.06 00:29:36 -0400 Sachin Walia wrote:
> > thanks for the fix..
> >
> > It seems to work fine after removing the mentioned config property,
> >
> > however an exception is thrown when trying to retrieve connection from
> > the
> > DataSource.
> >
> > 1. Context c = new InitialContext();
> > 2. Object jdopmf = c.lookup("eis/firebirdCF");
> > 3. DataSource ds = (DataSource)jdopmf;
> > 4. Connection cn = ds.getConnection();
> >
> > at step 4 NullPointerException is raised..
> >