Subject Re: jdbc driver and unicode
Author rrokytskyy
> unfortunately, using cfmx, passing in utf-8 text gets trashed *in*
> the database, ie the debug info shows it being passed in fine. when i
> return it from firebird its trashed (all ?????). used "none" for text
> charset. no joy.

where you put the debug messages? there might be many places where the
problems might occur... can you put some debug in database (in some
insert or update trigger)? problem might be also in default JVM
encoding, that is specified if "file.encoding" property
(-Dfile.encoding=Cp1252 for example). by default it corresponds to the
encoding of regional settings. if characters you pass do not belong to
your default JVM encoding, they are converted to '?'.

> > jdbc:firebirdsql:localhost/3050:c:/database/my.gdb?
> > lc_ctype=UNICODE_FSS
> unfortunately cfmx (coldfusion MX runs on top of jrun4) doesn't like
> that style of parameter passing. any ideas?

You can subclass org.firebirdsql.jdbc.FBDriver class, override a
method where connection is opened and enforce lc_ctype=UNICODE_FSS to
be set there. I would not commit this code to CVS, but it should solve
your problem with cfmx if there is no other way to pass connection
parameters to driver. Also, ensure that you have specified character
encoding for table fields explicitly.

However, I would first check documentation on extended JDBC parameters
in cfmx.

Best regards,
Roman Rokytskyy