Subject Re: SQLWarning for Dialect
Author Roman Rokytskyy

> Probably the wrong list but I get the following warning when
> creating connections with interclient 2.0. What's odd is that I
> only get them intermittently. Huh. Any thoughts?
> java.sql.SQLWarning: [interclient] Specified dialect not supported:
> The SQL Dialect has been changed to 1.

This warning means that InterClient would like to use dialect 3 (or
2), but database is in dialect 1. However, it is not clear to me why
do you get this warning intermittently. Also it is strange that
InterClient treats it as exceptions, not as warning.

You can try current version of Jaybird driver from the CVS. I
implemented more or less correct warning handling today (all warnings
are accumulated in connection, that is not quite correct, however
implementing it correctly would require few big changes in the

Also, InterClient is not maintained by Firebird team, so, even there
is a bug, it's not likely that it will be fixed. However, if you
like, you can join Firebird team and start improving InterClient.

Best regards,
Roman Rokytskyy