Subject Re: decision help needed
Author Roman Rokytskyy
> If I'm way off disregard!
> It sounds like the String.equalsIgnoreCase() should be employed?

From the code perspective it is easier to write:

if (!colName.startsWith("\"") || !colName.endsWith("\""))
colName = colName.toUpperCase();

and use colName.equals(xsqlvars[i].sqlname) later.

> You are just talking about comparing the column names, right?

Right. Consider following case:

SELECT col1, "col1", "Col1", "cOl1" from some_table;

in XSQLVAR[] cols you will have (using Java notation):

cols[0] == "COL1"
cols[1] == "col1"
cols[2] == "Col1"
cols[3] == "cOl1"

All of them are equal ignoring case... However, they are different.
So, we need some way to represent following calls

getString("COL1") -> getString("COL1") or getString("col1")
getString("col1") -> getString("\"col1\"");
getString("Col1") -> getString("\"Col1\"");
getString("cOl1") -> getString("\"cOl1\"");

Personally I would compare strings case-sensitive stripping double
quotes if any. However, this would break many applications...

Best regards,
Roman Rokytskyy