Subject Re: [Firebird-general] Linux install problem
Author Helen Borrie
At 09:55 AM 10/05/2012, Lester Caine wrote:
>Not sure what is going wrong here :(
>I've installed 2.5 using FirebirdCS- but it will not
>create the SYSDBA passwork. I'm getting
>/opt/firebird/bin/gsec: cannot execute binary file
>I've run this a couple times already without a problem, for some reason this
>time it is failing.
>Any pointers to what I may be missing ?
>Running on SUSE12.1 x64 exactly the same as this machine where it just installed
>without a problem. I presume I've missed something that needs to be installed as
>well ...

You've posted in the wrong list as well. Would you pls take it to firebird-support?

^ Helen ^