Subject Re: [Firebird-general] Migration story from DBMS XYZ to Firebird?
Author Milan Babuskov
Thomas Steinmaurer wrote:
> in a previous FF committee meeting, we talked about collecting material
> about migration success stories from DBMS XYZ (MySQL, PostgreSQL,
> various Expression Editions of commercial products etc.) to Firebird.
> Especially the unclear situation with MySQL@Oracle, it might be the
> right-time to approach e.g. this user base with migration success
> stories etc.
> We don't have some kind of criteria catalogue, template etc. at hand, so
> feel free to follow up this initial post with whatever you want to write
> in respect to your migration process. Perhaps this enables us to collect
> ideas for a more formal migration article etc.

I have no idea if it's any use, but I wrote a couple PHP scripts to help
conversion of databases. One script is used to convert MySQL structure
dump from phpMyAdmin to SQL that can be used with Firebird to create the
database. The other script is used to pump/copy the data over. The need
for scripting arose because MySQL database is on a remote server and it
is huge so transferring data via remote client application was not an
option. I'm willing to release these scripts under open source license
so improvements could be sent back.

I'm not sure if you're looking for something like this, or something
completely different?


Milan Babuskov

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