Subject Re: [Firebird-general] DelphiLive - Where is Delphi Going?
Author m. Th.
m. Th. wrote:
> (you must scroll to older posts)
> (more to come...)

First to correct myself. The correct Twitter link is:

...and at

you can see some (ok, enough) pictures from Delphi Live. Besides the
ones with known faces from CodeGear team there are many ones with slides
from sessions which give more insights about the EMBT's future plans.
(Syntax is the one of Delphi 2009 (generics) and attributes are in the
form in which will be in D2010).

For the Firebird part, _perhaps_ you can see it with your own eyes at (if you register for the Beta test). I said
_perhaps_ because I don't know exactly where they reached with Weaver
development, so the actual build which you'll find there perhaps will
not have *yet* the Firebird DBX driver. Anyway, as they're closing to
the release (scheduled this year) all the features will start to appear
in the main build.


m. Th.


m. Th.