Subject Re: [Firebird-general] 2006 Community Choice Awards
Author Jiri Cincura
On 23.3.2006 13:38 Ivan Prenosil wrote:
>> I don't remember that I saw this URL posted here. Maybe I skipped some
>> email. Anyway:
>> Firebird appears in Database category. You can vote for one product in each
>> category. Voting is going to close.
> In Games category:
> "Celestia - Celestia is real-time 3D space simulation which lets you travel through our solar system and to over 100,000
> stars in our neighborhood."
> real-time ? It must be boring to wait thousands years in front of PC till I reach some star :-)
> Ivan

Maybe you're traveling with the speed of the light (or maybe faster 8-)). ;)

Jiri Cincura