Subject RE: [Firebird-general] Ellison says open source needs big business
Author Si Carter
> -----Original Message-----
> /Oracle Corp's CEO, Larry Ellison, has maintained that open
> source projects are only successful when major technology
> corporations get involved and doubted that open source will
> have a major impact on the software areas in which the
> company operates.

LOL, I wonder why he keeps coming back to the subject of open source if its
not on his mind. And as for only successful when corporations get involved,
pah, it depends on how you measure success, for Ellison it will be shodicles
share price, for open source, well, it's a whole different ball game.

> Speaking at Oracle OpenWorld Tokyo Ellison
> also confirmed that the company had inquired about acquiring
> open source database vendor MySQL AB and denied that Oracle's
> recent open source acquisitions were designed to harm its
> rival

And back in the real world....

TBH, Ellison, like so many CEOs, is, imnsho, full of s**t. It doesn't take
the brains of an arch-bishop to work out that proprietory databases will
eventually lose massive market share to OS DBs, especially in larger markets
that are dominated by the likes of MySQL, Firebird and PostgreSQL. The
seeds of change are already in place and many more companies are beginning
to see the light, and cost saving advantages, of not paying the likes of M$
and shodicle for their overpriced bloatware ;-)


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