Subject Re: [Firebird-general] The Firebird image
Author Miroslav Penchev
On Sun, 05 Mar 2006 18:05:58 +0200, Artur Anjos <listas@...>

> Miroslav Penchev wrote:
>> "Ok, excellent we will keep you as your Bulgarian contact".
> And I did. And I'm still waiting for the bulgarian translation of the
> pages.
> Please send it to me and I will put it online asap.

Hmmm... I end up our previous conversations with impression that I should
wait for some extra instructions how to continue with idea of translating
pages. Ok, probably I was misunderstanding the emails. So - I will place
that idea in my schedule again ;)

> On the connect targets, you will notice that my goal is to create a way
> to make it easy for people to comunicate. If something is going on in
> Bulgaria regarding Firebird, I expect you to report it to me, and after
> that I will "relay" this info to the appropriate channels worldwide.
> If there is some conference, etc, in Bulgaria, and you find important to
> Firebird to be present, drop me a line requesting what you need, and I
> will do my best to give you what you need.

That summer there is a conference in Bulgaria about Web development,
Databases and Open Source and I am invited to make a lecture to introduce
Firebird (because it is not very popular here). I will keep you in touch
when the things get shape.

Miroslav Penchev