Subject Re: [Firebird-general] Get to know Firebird in 2 minutes
Author Dariusz Zelichowski
Great document.

3 suggestions:

1. "It is really FREE!" might sound more revealing if changed to:

"It is really FREE, whether you need it for a commercial, or open source applications"

That will certainly differentiate it from another RDBMS with FB is NOT competing at all ;-)

2. History: perhaps mentioning that fact that FB code base has been in use for some 20 years would speak more about FB's reliabilty. Yes, I think the actual number of years is important, as I have seen many, many times other OS RDBMS advertised as "mature".

3. Where you write:

"It is a full featured Firebird server packed in just one DLL file."

I'd suggest:

"It is a full featured Firebird server packed in just one DLL file as small as 1.5MB".

This will make it different from the full server and certainly indicate some differences. The mention of the size (1.5MB) will get a potential developr's imagination going right there. Only 1.5MB??? Wow!!! I want it!!!

4. I would get rid of the hint of negative advertising:

"The only limitation is that it is a single user server, what makes it ideal for CDROM catalogs, demo applications, etc."

instead, I'd stress the positive aspect perhaps something along the lines of:

"It is ideal for standalone desktop software, CDROM catalogs, demo applications, etc."

5. I'm not quite sure what I'd do with the paragraph when you mention version 2.0 and then recommend getting 1.5 because 2.0 is in beta stage now. I do understand what it's all about, but to a newcomer it may smack of "it really ain't ready yet, so I'll wait a bit" My point here is again; no negative adertising.

my $0.02.

"Carlos H. Cantu" <listas@...> wrote: Ok, here it is... after a few hours of work...

Simple document to new users or "surfers" so they can have a quick and
good start to play with Firebird. It is NOT a technical document, the
idea is to give a good start for potential new users, specially MySQL
users that are coming to Firebird site due to the recent news.

If you think it needs some correction, tell me. I plan to spread its
URL tomorrow. Also, I hope to see it at FirebirdSQL site.

PS: Thanks for Mauricio Longo who helped to correct some english
mistakes and contributed with a few ideas.

Carlos H. Cantu

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