Subject Re: [Firebird-general] Re: Firebird money matters
Author Dariusz Zelichowski
I won't quote, what seem to be two "opposing" camps in this thread. I'll just propose and analogy:

FB Project is like a world class chef. He can cook excellent dinner, low on calories and yet nutritious and yummy, but it can't serve it in an inviting way. It offers a paper plate and a tooth pick, instead of 1/2 decent china and a tooth pick. Any criticism, including constructive, is mostly met with a suggestions to cook your own, or go to a different food joint.

In that respect FB inherited from Borland more than just Interbase. It inherited really poor marketing vision. Or is it a curse? J
In that respect, if you think FB, think Borland

I am aware of how touchy FB members are to any kind of criticism I will say this again: FB developers’ team is a group of top notch programmers. It’s regrettable that their efforts are not appreciated by a much, much larger user base.


I could quote hundreds of Open Source projects which generated no money, offer about 1/1000 of FB's value and yet they are contained with every major Linux distro.

Now on to the constructive chapter of my posting:

How about posting an ad around a few dozen web developer's forums inviting web developers to revamp FB's foundation website (it needs a face lift real bad). Ask them to base it on FB, and somewhat on the existing Offer $1K or less.

Or ask someone to write a simple BB forum based on Firebird, or adapt one of the existing ones to work with FB. Again, offer few hundred dollars as a reward. Firebird needs it’s own BB. It doesn’t look good to run FB sites on MySQL, or Postgress based BB’s such as phpBB, or smaller ones. Firebird needs a regular BB forum. The listserv is based on ideas that were nice in ancient computer technology, but are way behind the times; cumbersome and pretty much user unfriendly.

You'll be surprised how many people will jump at opportunities I am suggesting. The effect will be immeasurably more precious than the $1K spent towards the campaign.

Oh, and btw, I am not trying to make $1K :-) But I will pitch in $100 if such a project is publicized. And yes, I can help with finding a few sites where appropriate info could be placed.

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