Subject Re: Name for the Phoenix PHPServer Stack
Author paulruizendaal
> > I thought it already had a name: "Phoenix PHPServer"
> Does it serve PHP then? ;)

No, it does not serve chickens or chickenwings either :^)

> Remember why "Mozilla Phoenix" had to change its name?

No, but Helen pointed out that Phoenix Technologies (PT) might have had
something to do with it -- and I appreciate that she did point that out.

PHPServer was created to scratch a particular itch and to some extent
is a sister product to Phoenix Object Basic, which I have made
available ever since 2000. As far as I know, PT does not object.

I can understand that the Firebird project is more concerned, having
been somewhat bruised in the phoenix-to-firefox brouhaha.

As said, I built PHPServer for a personal itch and it did not occur to
me until today, that PHPServer was something that the Firebird project
might take on board. I don't mind if a different, totally risk-free
name is chosen for that context.

I look forward to following this thread.
