Subject Re: Selecting a mid-market database
Author paulruizendaal
There seem to be a lot PostgreSQL advocates on the talk-back list.
Let's make sure we correct them with many posts of our own, by
repeating our strong points, not by attacking PG.

We have done the rehearsal when discussing the slogan:

The 5 core benefits of Firebird:
- Capable
- Reliable
- Easy
- Free
- Small

Specifically for developers there is a supportive set of benefits:
- Good drivers for all popular client technologies
- Great, international, helpful community
- Independence, ownership, empowerment
- DBA's can have peace of mind

Specifically for the managers/customers co-deciding on larger
projects there is another supportive set of benefits:
- Large user base, larger than nearly all competing RDBMS's
- Capable commercial support network
- Grows with you (i.e. scaleable, performant)
- Somebody like you has already implemented FB and is happy/successful