Subject Re: [Firebird-general] More on the conference
Author Artur Anjos
And some more pictures here:

Some relevant notes about the conference this year (no special order):

) Much more people
There where almost 50% more people this year. It's good to see that the
Conference atracts more people, but the best thing to notice is that we
are not loosing the "soul" of the first conference in Fulda: people
actually know each other, and we still continue to discuss firebird at
the hotel bar, at dinner, and so on.

) Martjin t-shirts
Still the best. (yes, I did google for it!)

) The missing persons
Helen and Nickolay miss this one and Yemanov's once again was unable to
be present.
Sean, Vinkenoog, Claudio, Adriano, so many others that we really like to
Helen moving around with her special coffee on her hands, Nickolay's
saying "yes, but..." every second, are just a few examples of
traditions that we can not live without in a Firebird Conference. :-)
(Dmitry: 3 times is the maximum allowed!)
But, the important to be noticed, it's that we really notice the missing
ones, and we tryed to make them present as much as possible.

) Russia & Brazil
It was really great to have people from russia and brazil in the
conference. This two countries have for sure the biggest number of
firebird users, and it's really nice to see them in the conference.
A small note also to Japan - for the first time also!
Ho!, did I mention South Africa? :-)

) Speakers
We did had very interesting sessions this year.
And some happy surprises: it was really amazing to see Flame Robin in
action in a session about events. :-)

) Beer & Talks
People use to laugh about the beer and the hotel bar. But I can assure
you that the hotel bar is the only place where you can notice that a big
South Africa company is using firebird servers to equipment-control and
data colecting, that at least two big japan companies are using firebird
internally and on there products, that you can now buy a Firebird
t-shirt in russia, or even that there are some chickens in a small farm
France that are still free even with the new law against bird-flue, and,
finnaly, you learn how much fun you can have if you buy a unimog (well,
some people will learn what is a unimog...).

) Beer & Tips
If you need to change collation in real time, just update system tables
with the new collation, and rebuild the indexes.
That's an example of a tip you can get drinking beer with Mr. System
Tables and a coke with Mr. Optimizer....

Now join all this with a city like Prague....
