Subject Re: [Firebird-general] More on the conference and Prague in my blog
Author Martijn Tonies
> > Well, you had the easy way out ... I "had" to spend the day in Prague
> > musea and got at the airport at 18:35 ...
> I didn't see you ;)
> I did the museum and then moved down the square and jumped on a short
> tour of the town and castle, which was very interesting. Bumped into a
> few other deligates at verious points.
> I will be back and I'll drag Sheila with me next time so we can have a
> proper look round ...

We went (back) to the castle to check out the museum there. Had a
nice view over the town there up at the hill. Also went into the powder
tower for a small exhibit with very old swords (and then some). We
already did the old town square, the bridge and some more at Sunday.

Also did a bit of souvenir shopping here and there... (well, my girlfriend
did, I had no money left after the auction *g*)

The bus to the airport was kinda sucky. It was packed and we were
travelling with backpacks and some extra (eg: laptop)... Pfff...

And yes, I'll probably return there as well.
